Kantor is a professor at the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University.
To send their children to the Good Shepherd School, parents contribute $100 a year and 75 community service hours.
Good Shepherd School is a coed Catholic primary school, 100 years old as of 2012.
A Ceili, an Irish dance celebration, was held at Good Shepherd School just last month.
Uffelman was both the first and longest-serving principal of Good Shepherd School, working as the administrator for 41 years until he reached retirement age in 1977.
In 1960 the grade school moved to Jesus the Good Shepherd School.
Hammond served as the dean of the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University from 1986 to 2001.
He has been an artist-in-residence at the Shepherd School of Music, Rice University.
Through 2012, she served on the faculty of Rice University's Shepherd School of Music.
Good Shepherd School, situated in the North Street, has been known for its excellent features, infrastructure.