It has very little apparent support in Iraq itself, outside of Kurdistan and one Shiite faction.
Therefore it was unlikely that he could have belonged to the Shiite faction of which the Assassins were members.
Clandestine Shiite Muslim factions that had held Western hostages were known to have been affiliated with iran.
If this front includes all Shiite factions, it will receive Ayatollah Sistani's approval.
The group, which is backed by Iran, is the most militant Shiite faction in Lebanon.
Since 2004, he has transformed his organization into one similar to Hezbollah, the militant Shiite faction there.
The Party of God is believed to be an umbrella for Shiite factions holding hostages.
Leaders of some of the more intransigent Shiite factions need to take it just as seriously.
Both Shiite factions said they had fired at the Palestinians, who have been warned against getting involved in the fighting.
Protect the rights of minority political parties in the Iraqi legislature - Shiite factions are feuding.