"The forces need to know one clear fact," said one prominent Shiite politician.
"Most of the officials feel like their hands are tied," said one Shiite politician, who insisted on anonymity.
The Sadrists "are really facing a problem," said one Shiite politician.
Religious Shiite politicians tried once before, in December 2003, to abolish the 1959 law.
A general election would no doubt put many Shiite politicians into power because Shiites make up more than 60 percent of the population.
Now Shiite politicians say they need the militias to protect themselves from the insurgency.
Many of the Shiite politicians who initially backed the idea of southern autonomy are secular.
A senior Shiite politician said at the time that the ayatollah had urged the government to take steps to prevent "mass annihilation."
He is communicating with the commanders through a Shiite politician who is close to them.
Yet, sniping among the Shiite politicians has intensified as the date draws near.