He was featured in Iraqi news film kicking and beating captured Shiite rebels.
Now he is seizing the opportunity given to him by the coalition decision to turn its back on the Kurdish and Shiite rebels.
First, neither the Administration nor experts outside Government appear to know much about the Shiite rebels.
Some Shiite rebels have indeed been operating out of Iran.
Meanwhile, in southern Iraq, Shiite rebels were also fighting.
The effects of the Iraqi campaign were evident during a two-day trip with Shiite rebels.
Jittery soldiers, fighting the Shiite rebels, fired on the car twice as it raced through the city.
Kurdish or Shiite rebels could provoke wider regional war.
The real goal, surely, is to shield Shiite rebels from Iraqi air attack.
In the five tents that make up the medical detachment here, a Shiite rebel was laid out today on an operating table.