This configuration is marked along the Shore Parkway, with success.
Then, too, it is four blocks back from Shore Parkway - and the big houses nearest the waterfront have tended to hold their value better.
The mother said that when she reached the window a few moments later she saw one man running across Shore Parkway.
His body was found on Shore Parkway at 1:03 a.m.
We were on the Shore Parkway, according to the signs.
It's just a grassy area that is sort of a buffer to the Shore Parkway.
Lower prices are found in noisier, higher-traffic areas, one of them along Shore Parkway.
The beach was paved over during the mid-twentieth century to create the Shore Parkway.
"When you drive along the Shore Parkway and see ships idling, they are waiting for high tide so they can go."
Residents say the neighborhood near the Shore Parkway had been used over the years as a dumping ground for the Mafia.