In 2009 he shot the pilot for the Showtime series called Possible Side Effects.
So what can fans expect in Season 7 of the Showtime series?
Fans of the Showtime series know that Hank is currently in hot water - with his family and with the law.
Yet, once you began to watch, the Showtime series was more brainy and more affecting than bloodthirsty.
Burroughs is writing the script for a Showtime series based on the memoir.
He is currently a regular on the Showtime series Homeland.
She is currently a writer on the Showtime series, The Big C.
She also worked on Showtime series, Women: Stories of Passion.
Onstage, he's a droll storyteller, which won't surprise fans of his Showtime series.
This Showtime series is "24" for smart people.