She was driven out of her Siberian tribe by Queen Cyane, because of her hunger for power.
"The reindeer-herding Siberian tribes, however, didn't need to placate spirits for subsistence."
She gave lectures on the nations of Central and Eastern Europe as well as on the habits of the Siberian tribes.
Stroganov established trade routed with the Siberian tribes.
Cossacks, men who served as a kind of "border-guard" for the tsarist government, imposed a fur tax on the Siberian tribes.
There is an old Russian legend that says the Samoyeds, an ancient Siberian tribe, traveled to an underground cavern city to live inside the earth.
Because of this, and the weakness of the Siberian tribes, Russian Cossacks were able to expand from the Urals to the Pacific in only 57 years (1582-1639).
Stroganovs developed farming, hunting, saltworks, fishing, and ore mining on the Urals and established trade with Siberian tribes.
Living the 5th Century Life An isolated Siberian tribe lives much as it has for 1,500 years, offering archeologists clues about early Arctic peoples.
This was the last known conflict with Russia by any of the Siberian tribes.