The oil town of Noyabrsk rose from the frozen Siberian wilderness during the 1970s and was once a model of communism's industrial strength.
Ivan would never have voluntarily followed the flabby stranger who appeared one day in the Siberian wilderness but Monterny was an irresistible hypno.
The couple established a life of luxury in the Siberian wilderness replete with servants, cooks, chauffeurs, and a cultural brigade for entertainment.
Forty-two years of plodding the Siberian wilderness in search of fresh gold deposits gives him a certain stature.
But environmentalists fear that unfettered logging could damage virgin forests and the habitat of rare species in the vast Siberian wilderness.
Farewell stayed secret because the blast in June 1982, estimated at three kilotons, took place in the Siberian wilderness, with no casualties known.
It was intended as a survival aid to be used after landings and before recovery in the Siberian wilderness.
If he ejected, the Siberian wilderness would kill him slowly.
The story of geologists battling nature in the Siberian wilderness gave the filmmakers a pretext for an even more visually extravagant, almost hallucinatory, spectacle.
He turned at last and walked through what seemed a Siberian wilderness or non-reality towards the main door.