Peiper was born on 30 January 1915 into a middle class family from the Silesian region of Germany.
The Silesian region between the upper Vistula and upper Oder was the northern extreme of the human penetration at the time of the last glaciation.
In the 12th and 13th centuries the Waldhufendorf also became the type of village preferred by German settlers in the Thuringian, Saxon and Silesian regions.
The building was originally built in the late 1930s for students from the Silesian region to live in Krakow.
It runs between the historic Lower Silesian region and Kłodzko Land.
The Polish pilot application took place in the Silesian region and was performed by the Gliwice City Hall.
For centuries the rulers of Bohemia and Poland had disputed sovereignty over the Silesian region.
The Silesian region is the most industrialized and the most urbanized region in Poland: 78% of its population live in towns and cities.
Part a Silesian metropolitan area populated by 5,294,000 people and Silesian metropolitan region populated by about 7 million.
Especially in Russian Poland and the Silesian regions under German control, mining and manufacturing started on a large scale.