Silver Gulls are even more numerous.
Sea birds, such as the Silver Gull and the Pacific Gull use the cliff for nesting sites.
Seabirds breeding on the island include Little Penguins and Silver Gulls.
Others are going to another club, Silver Gull, in the Breezy Point area of the Rockaways.
Other birds recorded breeding on the island are Little Shearwaters, Sooty Oystercatchers and Silver Gulls.
Silver Gulls breed on the islands, which also support a breeding colony of Australian Sea Lions.
The call has been confused with that of a Silver Gull.
Recorded breeding seabird species include Pacific Gull and Silver Gull.
Up to 800 Silver Gulls also nest on the island, and possibly Bridled and Roseate Terns.
The Silver Gull has a sharp voice consisting of a variety of calls.