Sir Keith Joseph won with a majority of 5,869 on a turnout substantially down on the general election.
Sir Keith Joseph has recently gone on record as saying that he wished that examiners could be more objective in their assessment of what children know.
Sir Keith Joseph rejected the proposal on the grounds that it would have been too disruptive and costly.
He was known for most of his political life as Sir Keith Joseph, 2nd Baronet.
Shame on you Sir Keith Joseph for your negative and unkind attitudes to the social sciences.
Such lists would have been regarded as underground literature during Sir Keith Joseph's tenure.
Sir Keith Joseph (20 June 1970 - 4 March 1974)
Not even Sir Keith Joseph ws this bad at his worst.
Sir Keith Joseph has intimated that 'national' criteria will be established in the main curriculum areas.
Sir Keith Joseph had doubts about the scheme.