The show had too short a run last month at Danny's Skylight Room on 46th Street.
I'm in the Skylight Room of the Bank of America, main branch.
They are at Danny's Skylight Room, 346 West 46th Street.
In October 1988, she took that act to Dannys' Skylight Room for four nights.
The star was referenced in O. Henry's short story The Skylight Room.
Last November she did a cabaret act at Danny's Skylight Room in New York.
Dannys' Skylight Room, 346 West 46th Street, 265-8130.
Danny's Skylight Room, 346 West 46th Street, Clinton, (212)265-8133.
Dannys' Skylight Room, in the back of the Grand Sea Palace Restaurant, seats 60, and serves light meals along with quality entertainment.
At 9:15 p.m., Danny's Skylight Room, 346 West 46th Street, Clinton, (212) 265-8133; $25, with a $12 minimum.