The handiest way to make a Skype call is by picking up a telephone.
During the Skype call, you could hear a group of 4-year-olds breaking into the room where Robert was.
This time, you can make a Skype call from your cellphone, wherever you happen to be.
Another issue is that to make a Skype call from your phone, you have to use the handset to which it's connected.
Receiving a Skype call is a lot like receiving an instant message.
With a quick Skype call to the number listed, I was booked on the evening bike tour for that same day.
I'm assuming a Skype call is treated as a data service.
At first they want to destroy it, but a Skype call from Marge makes them have second thoughts about their feelings for him.
One night, Carlo made a Skype call to her wife and discovered that she was pregnant with their first child.
It pauses when you're on a Skype call.