This displeasure with the new policies was manifested in a more visible way in Transnistria, where urban centers such as Tiraspol, had a Slavic majority.
With tensions rising between its Slavic majority and its Albanian minority, Macedonia has worked hard to maintain civil peace.
Continued fighting could destabilize Macedonia, where a large Albanian minority uneasily shares power with the Slavic majority.
A country of 2 million, Macedonia has a Slavic majority and a sizable minority of ethnic Albanians.
The agreement considerably dampens the threat of political divisiveness between the old Soviet Union's western Slavic majority and eastern Islamic minority.
For every 20 children born in Macedonia, 10 are from the largely Slavic Macedonian majority and 7 are Macedonian Albanians.
The population, with an overwhelming Slavic majority, was up to 3,000 in 1892.
The Slavic majority dominates political life and government institutions, including the police.
Strikes and large protests by members of Bulgaria's Slavic majority opposed to religious and cultural freedom for ethnic Turks paralyzed towns and cities across the country today.
The Slavic majority, which identifies itself as Macedonian, has been trying against heavy odds, including its own radical elements, to establish a stable state.