A creek that runs through Takoma Park, Sligo Creek, possibly served as further inspiration.
See also: Sligo Creek (tributary of the Anacostia River)
The church purchased fifty acres of land along Sligo Creek in Takoma Park to build the new headquarters.
At Lincoln Avenue, the state highway turns northeast and starts heading downhill into the valley of Sligo Creek.
The 1909 bridge over Sligo Creek was replaced by the current bridge in 1932.
Sligo Creek is one of the most heavily urbanized subwatersheds in the Anacostia watershed, with a population density of 7,081 people per mi.
A half mile from the Sligo crossroads Colesville Road crosses Sligo Creek.
Over the years, Sligo Creek has served many purposes for area residents, including powering grist mills and as a drinking water source.
Kingfishers, herons and hawks are seen near Sligo Creek.
The facility the consisted only of the C building, overlooking Sligo Creek.