Slovak leaders were not invited, nor did the president have plans to meet with them.
Unfortunately, few Slovak leaders have publicly criticized such excesses and thus bear responsibility for the instability of Czechoslovakia.
The drawn-out negotiations reflect deep divisions mainly among Slovak leaders.
The move follows a confrontation between Mr. Meciar and other Slovak leaders.
Advanced mainly by Slovak religious leaders, the movement grew during the 19th century.
Though they are pressing for greater economic and political autonomy, Slovak leaders say an independent state is not now feasible.
His intervention, although criticized by Slovak leaders, was widely regarded as having facilitated a resolution of the devolution issue.
In the spring of 1848, Slovak leaders spread their ideas throughout Upper Hungary.
Slovak leaders issued no public statement after the legislation was passed, and it was not clear if the measure had totally satisfied their demands.
Slovak leaders had sought to chip away at the central government's authority in these areas.