He added that "The Slovak nation isn't mature enough to exist on its own in modern Europe."
His followers stressed the separate identity of the Slovak nation and uniqueness of its language.
He touches on the antiquity of the Slovak nation and the then current Slovak youth.
Slota stated that "The Hungarians are a cancer in the body of the Slovak nation."
Its beginnings "are connected with the endeavour of the Slovak nation for national emancipation and self-determination."
Slota said that the country's ethnic Hungarian minority "is a tumour in the body of the Slovak nation."
Some scholars claim there is no continuity in politics, culture, or written language between this early Slavic polity and the modern Slovak nation.
Today he is the pride of the Slovak nation.
The language, called bernolákovčina, however, wasn't accepted as a national standard language, although was a milestone in the way to the formation of modern Slovak nation.
During his era he was the poet laureate of the Slovak nation.