Until the early 19th century, the only Slovene name for the town was Lotmerk, borrowed from German.
The Slovene name of the creek is derived from Slavic *kobyla 'mare'.
The current Slovene names for the creek are derived from the settlement of Kobilje.
The Slovene name refers to the distribution of the settlement along the road.
Alenka is a popular Slovene female given name.
It is notable as one of the few castles in Slovenia to have retained a Slovene name throughout its history.
Žiga is a Slovene given name, a form of Sigmund:
The Slovene name is a fused prepositional phrase, from *v Ermaše.
The Slovene name is derived from the German name.
Municipal police vehicles in this provinces have both Italian and Slovene names on them.