At that time, Micheldorf was the westernmost Slovene-inhabited village, not only in Carinthia, but in all the Slovene ethnic territory.
Consequently, the Frankish feudal system reached the Slovene territory.
This large dynasty, important at a European political level, had its seat in Slovene territory but died out in 1456.
In 1515, a peasant revolt spread across nearly the whole Slovene territory.
A quarter of Slovene ethnic territory and approximately 327,000 out of total population of 1.3 million Slovenes were subjected to forced Italianization.
The history of Slovenia chronicles the period of the Slovene territory from the 5th century BC to the present times.
These included a quarter of the Slovene ethnic territory, including areas that were exclusively ethnic Slovene.
For a long time the people of Prekmurje were angry with Klekl because he did not create an independent Slovene territory.
At that time the Slovene territory extended to Burgenland and Őrség.
Crimes committed by the Fascist regime in the Slovene territory.