Alenka Puhar (born 4 February 1945) is a Slovenian journalist, author, translator, and historian.
Later in the same month, the Yugoslav Army arrested four Slovenian journalists of the alternative magazine Mladina, accusing them of revealing state secrets.
Valentin Areh (born August 22, 1971) is a Slovenian journalist, war correspondent and writer.
Slavko Fras, 81, Slovenian journalist and editor.
Slovenian journalists have denounced this as callous, because there are residences nearby.
Viktor Blažič (born 19 June 1928) is a Slovenian journalist, essayist, translator and former anti-Communist dissident.
Three prominent Slovenian journalists and a noncommissioned officer were sentenced by a military court in Ljubljana today on charges of revealing a military secret.
Yesterday I received a petition from 571 Slovenian journalists criticising you for not respecting their press freedom.
"Our misfortune was that we were divorced in 1918," said Karl Lavencic, a Slovenian journalist working in Britain.
The petition was signed by hundreds of Slovenian journalists from the mainstream media.