The office of the Human Rights Ombudsman in Slovenia as well as the Slovenian police have received several initiatives for intervention.
In it, he suggested that the Italians arm the Slovenian police and that the Slovenians establish a semi-autonomous security service under Italian military supervision.
To complement these land vehicles, the Slovenian police utilize 4 boats, as well as 6 helicopters.
In July 2010 the suspected creator of the "Butterfly bot" malware was arrested by Slovenian police.
According to NBI, the Slovenian police has not provided the information requested for the investigation.
The Austrian Interpol notified the Slovenian police about this but the Slovenian police ignored the notification.
The Slovenian police rejected the accusations of having leaked the secret list.
In fact Slovenian police did not even open an investigation on the corruption charges against its Prime Minister and military.
Similarly, the attempt to replace Yugoslav frontier police by the Slovenian police provoked regional armed conflicts which finished with a minimal number of victims.
In late April, 2011, Slovenian police investigated an illegal betting organization and have taken four persons into custody.