Later in 1967, The Beach Boys released another album called Smiley Smile.
Smiley Smile was not the great success that Wilson thought Smile would have been.
It was first seen on their 1967 album Smiley Smile.
But there's something about the feeling of 'Smiley Smile.'
It was released on their 1967 album Smiley Smile.
Smiley Smile, a 1967 album by the Beach Boys.
The band completely re-recorded the song for inclusion on their next album, Smiley Smile.
Smiley Smile is the tenth studio album by The Beach Boys.
A minimalist version was released on their 1967 album Smiley Smile.
"Vega-Tables" would itself be re-recorded without the coda on Smiley Smile.