Macy's department store, in the old Kaufmann's building, continues the tradition of its former tenant by revealing its Christmas display in the windows along Smithfield Street.
A new City Hall was completed on Smithfield Street and the city's southern boundaries were extended during Mayor Blackmore's second term.
An annual pass is a 12-month subscription to monthly passes, which can be either mailed or picked up at the Downtown Service Center on Smithfield Street.
Prior to 1903 it was located in rented quarters of the Pittsburgh Bank for Savings on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
The pillion passenger, Malcolm Sinclair, of Smithfield Street, Edinburgh, was also injured in the accident, it was claimed.
The bridge connects Smithfield Street in Downtown Pittsburgh with Station Square.
They were located in the plaza area near 3 Gateway Center and on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
Kaufmann's flagship "The Big Store" has a large landmark outdoor Clock on the corner of Fifth Avenue at Smithfield Street beside the building.
WPIT's studios were once located on Smithfield Street in downtown Pittsburgh.
He began his career as a merchant on Fourth Avenue between Wood Street and Smithfield Street in the city.