That same year, the organization disaffiliated from the national Socialist Party USA and continues now as a small independent political organization.
Her interest in social issues led her to join the Socialist Party USA in 1976.
The party is affiliated with the Socialist Party USA.
He was active in both the Democratic Party and Socialist Party USA.
In 1980, 1988, 1996 and 2000 it endorsed the Socialist Party USA's candidates.
Christian Socialist Party USA: Real time modern day Christian theology.
The same month he was declared the nominee of the Socialist Party USA for the 2008 presidential election.
He thus missed, by a large margin, the 5 percent needed to qualify the Socialist Party USA for federally distributed public funding in the next election.
In 2007, he became a socialist and joined the Socialist Party USA as a presidential candidate for the 2008 election.
Boozer was separately nominated for the office by the Socialist Party USA.