The Socialists and Communists held frequent rallies there.
The Socialists hold a solid parliamentary majority.
The Socialists held onto second place with 58 seats and about 22 percent of the vote.
The Socialists, who have governed Spain for the last 13 years, have long held that they occupied the center.
In addition, the Socialists only held a small parliamentary majority.
She said: "The last time that the Socialists held power in Paris.
In Treptow, the Democratic Socialists hold 14 of the 44 seats on the borough council.
The Parliament, in which Socialists and their allies hold 119 out of 155 seats, backed the program 114 to 0.
The Communists and Left Socialists held their single mandate.
It is a far cry from the protection of man and the environment that we Socialists hold dear.