The left-wing parties re-spond-ed by banding together in a Popular Front, which the Socialists led to power in 1936.
Never know, if a Socialist leads Labour, it might actually tempt me to take them seriously.
The Socialists were leading in outright victories in local parliamentary seats as well.
This might still enable the Socialists to lead a coalition government, but it would also open the doors of Parliament to smaller parties, including the National Front.
Socialists such as John Maclean led strikes and demonstrations for better working conditions and a forty-hour working week.
A fellow Socialist named Charlotte Payne-Townsend firmly transferred him to her own flat then led him before the registrar and married him.
By 1982, however, when the Socialists led by Felipe Gonzalez came to power, Fraga's party was in the ascendant.
However the Socialists and Greens led the opposition against him despite not agreeing on an opposing candidate.
Instead, the French voted heavily for the leftist opposition and protest parties, raising the chances that the Socialists could lead a majority in Parliament after runoff elections next Sunday.
The Socialists lead an opposition coalition that controls the upper house of Parliament.