The Socialists bitterly oppose this, in large part because the sales-tax increase would fall heavily on wage earners, the core of the party.
As a result, many Socialists actually opposed the IWW from the outset.
The Socialists oppose increasing the sales tax to compensate for lost revenue from the income tax cut.
Socialists frequently oppose free trade on the ground that it allows maximum exploitation of workers by capital.
The Socialists adamantly oppose such a big increase, arguing that it will fall disproportionately on salaried workers, whose overall tax burden has been climbing in recent years.
And he supports affirmative action, which the Socialists steadfastly oppose.
The Socialists, for years the country's ossified opposition, have long declared the Japanese military unconstitutional, opposed the use of nuclear power and supported regimes like North Korea.
Historically, the Socialists have opposed any increase in taxes aimed at ordinary Japanese shoppers, and they have long had ties with the North Korean Government.
And it guided Greece's entry into the European Community, a step the Socialists had once opposed.
Socialists Oppose Changes Surprisingly, however, the Socialist Party also opposed the change.