The Socialists sought to prevent the UMP from winning too wide a majority that would give Sarkozy "full powers".
Socialists and liberals within the Spanish Federation sought to reorganize Spain in 1871 into five trade sections with various committees and councils.
The Socialists have sought support from the 2.3 million pensioners and the new unemployed, the biggest losers in the economic hard times.
In endorsing Mr. Valkanov, a 54-year-old lawyer not officially a Socialist candidate, the Socialists sought support from pensioners and people left jobless as a result of free-market changes.
Socialists sought to attain power legally through the electoral process.
The Socialists and the Communists sought to use the elections to demonstrate discontent with the Government and to force new general elections.
The Socialists also sought votes among farmers by promising to maintain import barriers on rice and other agriculture products.
Failing a mass farmer-labor party from the CPPA, the Socialists sought at least a powerful presidential nominee to run in opposition to the old parties.
This no longer bears any relation to the European social model to which my group aspires and which we Socialists are seeking to establish.
French Socialists will also be seeking new partners to retain office next year.