In such cases, the Socialists would support the UMP candidate as part of a "republican front" against the far right.
How can the Socialists support a free-market Europe and defend a bloated state at home?
The Socialists supported reluctantly the centerist Chairman of the Senate.
Socialists support the idea of the good society, typically judged in terms of equality of income.
Both the ruling party and the Socialists supported the constitutional amendment.
We hope that the Socialists and Liberals will support them, so that they can be incorporated in the legislation.
The Socialists support an offensive strategy, as presented in Parliament's documents, but we want real answers that help improve the lot of the people.
I even heard you say that Socialists do not only support the right and Europe is not made up solely of the right.
We therefore consider that the French Socialists are supporting a good compromise.
The Socialists will support the vast majority of amendments before the House today.