Often, the Society has commissioned its own plans for developments either at the request of the City Council or on its own initiative.
The Society commissioned work and dealt with the printers, and finally distributed the publications; profits were used to continue the Society's work.
The Victorian Society, London, has commissioned a new report entitled 'Coming Unstuck: the removal of fixtures from listed buildings'.
In late 2006, the Lawrenceville Historical Society commissioned a study that estimated that the cost to restore the house as a history museum would cost $250,000.
In 1922 the Society commissioned HMS Hermione as the third Warspite.
It should be noted, however, that the American Psychological Society recently commissioned a report whose conclusion follows:
The Woman's Society reversed its original decision and, in March 1881, commissioned Packard and Giles as missionaries and teachers to begin a school in Atlanta.
The Society also commissioned Van Kinsbergen to accompany Brumund during his tour in order to illustrate Brumund's publication about Javanese culture and antiquities.
Late in the century, the Society for Photographing Relics of Old London commissioned several photographers to depict buildings that expansion would soon overrun.
In 1811 the Society of Dilettanti commissioned him to explore Greece and Asia Minor.