To this end, he assumed Luthor's identity and created a new Secret Society of Super Villains.
Libra later figures out Luthor had been the mole in the Society of Super Villains.
It is similar to the earlier Secret Society of Super Villains, and to the later Injustice League.
Some were even seen with Libra when he formed the Secret Society of Super Villains.
He can seen as the member of Libra's Secret Society of Super Villains.
He is also a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains.
She joins the Secret Society of Super Villains for a mission against the Justice League.
These include Catwoman and the Secret Society of Super Villains.
This 'perfect existence' would be shattered by the arrival of the Secret Society of Super Villains, however.
He enlisted with Libra and the Secret Society of Super Villains.