Two Malaysian peacekeepers were killed and 11 other United Nations troops were briefly detained by Somali militia last month.
Somali militias began targeting peacekeepers, causing further casualties.
There were no American or United Nations casualties, and few concrete details were available about the battle between the rival Somali militias.
They have observed the daily changes as the Somali militias have positioned themselves outside the gates in a constant cat-and-mouse game.
Several weeks ago, when most of these soldiers landed, they believed that they had come to battle the Somali militias.
It was the first time a Somali militia had downed a United Nations helicopter on patrol.
Two American helicopters were shot down, and an American pilot was captured by the Somali militia.
Anywhere from 700-1500 Somali militia were killed.
Years later, General Pace would say that expanding the American mission, from humanitarian aid to include disarming Somali militias, had been a mistake.
They will join more than 15,000 United Nations troops in Mogadishu, most of whom are pinned down in their compounds by several hundred Somali militia.