The Somali police also has a criminal investigations department in Mogadishu.
Gutaale was handed over to the Somali police and executed on the spot.
Somali police arrested a suspicious driver.
Large metal containers blocked the entrance gate, and the Somali police pushed back the handful of people who managed to squeeze past the containers.
Finally, the Secretary-General was also asked to ensure that the Somali police and legal institutions would continue until December when more financial resources would become available from Member States.
All Somalis accused of crimes have been handed over to the Somali police and tried by a Somali judge.
Combats between insurgents and Somali police in Beledweyne, two police men injured.
The American military is distributing leaflets and posters through the Somali police, saying they have no intention of remaining in Somalia.
Service units of the Somali police included the Gaadiidka Booliska (Transport Department) and the Health Service.
After the withdrawal from the airport early in the evening, it appeared that the Somali police had taken control of the area because the lights were on and the generator seemed to be operating, officials said.