He not only ordered Son Sen killed, but also told followers to execute more than a dozen of his relatives, including grandchildren.
Fourteen of Son Sen's relatives, including grandchildren, were killed.
For Son Sen and his family, yes.
Son Sen's wife, Yun Yat, served as minister for culture, education and learning.
Son Sen, the commander in chief, and regional commanders like Ta Mok would come at least once a year.
Only Pol Pot and his right-hand man, Son Sen, gave the orders, he said.
He handed day to day power to Son Sen, his hand-picked successor.
In July he was subjected to a show trial for the death of Son Sen and sentenced to lifelong house arrest.
Son Sen, 59, has a degree in philosophy from the Sorbonne.
Fourteen of Son Sen's family members, including infant grandchildren, also were killed.