Production of the Phantom ended in September 2008, with some of the last buses going to Sound Transit.
However, the grant approval still was not enough to prevent the resignation of Sound Transit's executive director, Bob White.
No track has been laid, and Sound Transit is now widely criticized as the train to nowhere.
Still, the city's leading politicians have stuck by Sound Transit, which has heavy union support.
Prior to the creation of Sound Transit, the routes were part of these agencies' systems.
But by the end of 2002, Sound Transit decided on a route and became more financially stable.
The wall, built by the university and Sound Transit, features photos of faces of various individuals taken at university events.
Funding for the design and planning for this line was approved in late 2012 through a partnership between the city and Sound Transit.
Nickels served on the board of directors of Sound Transit.
The project is part of the Sound Transit 2 (ST2) package approved by voters in November 2008.