It has also become more difficult to recharge the aquifers on which South Floridians depend for their water supply.
Among them is that its main purpose is to hoard water for developers and rich South Floridians.
Summer brought me more time with my family and more time talking with South Floridians about the challenges we're facing.
South Floridians were encouraged to closely monitor the progress of the storm.
Securing funds for these local programs helps to improve the lives of South Floridians.
Five times this year, South Floridians met state inspectors with guns or threats of guns.
The result is a lack of affordable housing for many middle-class South Floridians.
King has conducted an annual turkey giveaway each Christmas for several years, in which he distributes two thousand free turkeys to needy South Floridians.
Many South Floridians commissioned Munroe to design their yachts.
Even so, Mr. Murbach advised, South Floridians would do well to go see it right away.