But decades of Soviet planning have led to a financially strapped system, which gives too little to too many.
The other is the infallibility of Soviet military planning.
However, Chayanov was ultimately shown to be right about the problems with Soviet agricultural planning.
A11 A shift in Soviet economic planning from emphasis on heavy industry to consumer goods was announced by the Government.
Finished tanks were assembled in several plants, but Soviet industrial planning prevented any region from being able to establish independent arms production.
The lakes are the unintentional byproduct of Soviet planning.
Although it never replaced financial calculations, material balances became an established part of Soviet planning.
As a result of the Soviet planning of the industrial boom era, the city became heavily polluted.
Also, the new choices are a welcome change from decades of Soviet central planning that paid little attention to people's needs.
But inefficiency is not new; it has been a feature since the earliest days of Soviet planning.