The chain's executives say they actually receive 60 percent of their food and service supplies from Soviet sources.
It is said to have received $260,000 from Soviet sources.
But it isn't necessarily so, and that comes from Soviet sources.
Soviet sources admit to 1,669 losses in the air, between the 22 and 30 June.
Everything else in the show, including the entire graphic representation, came from Soviet sources.
According to Soviet sources, 102,125 persons were resettled in 1947 and 1948.
As the full results were not published, they had to subsequently be assembled from Soviet sources over the next five years.
According to incomplete data from Soviet sources, at least 10,000 people had gone through the prison.
The agency thought it more important to protect its suspect Soviet sources than to tell the nation's leaders the truth, members of the committees said.
Initial Soviet sources suggested that 48 of 70 persons on board were killed, including the pilot.