At the same time, in an unprecedented admission, he acknowledged the low Soviet standard of living and provided statistics to confirm it.
By Soviet standards, getting rid of those few thousand unreliables was but a small purge.
At 63 years old, he falls by Soviet standards, especially military standards, into the younger generation.
The cartridge remained the Soviet standard until the 1970s, and is still one of the most common intermediate rifle cartridges used around the world.
The industrial plans and a transport infrastructure were advanced by the Soviet standards.
Still, the intellectual life and scientific research were advance by Soviet standard.
The price was staggering by Soviet standards, he agreed, "but I'd saved a long time for such a coat."
He was in his mid-20's, and like many of the first immigrants was prosperous by Soviet standards.
This status secured him a studio, steady work as an illustrator and a relatively healthy income by Soviet standards.
And that was a fast-track shopping foray by Soviet standards.