But last year, Soviet supplies fell as much as 50 percent short of Moscow's promises.
The rally stemmed partly from fears that Soviet supplies to Europe could be tight this winter.
As long as Soviet supplies continue, they will remain a guerilla force unable to seize major garrisons.
He estimates that it would cost $20 billion to get rid of the entire Soviet supply.
Yet any military move to seize the city is thought to carry, as an immediate consequence, a cutoff of the essential Soviet supplies.
In addition, the Kabul regime is still receiving enormous quantities of Soviet military supplies.
The Republican government had agreed to use this hoard of bullion as an advance payment for Soviet military supplies.
Chiang, with Soviet supplies, conquered the southern half of China in nine months.
If Soviet supplies to Western Europe become short, the market here would certainly feel it.
The situation rapidly became critical for the Kabul Government, which is entirely dependent on Soviet supplies for its ability to continue the war.