Spanish nationalists thought this was wrong and would make Spain weak.
Italy sent aircraft, weapons, and a total of over 60,000 troops to aid the Spanish nationalists.
A wide belief was that the soldiers would train Spanish nationalists, and not engage.
Franco was supported by fascists, big businesses, the church, conservative people and Spanish nationalists.
February 10 - Spanish Nationalists complete their offensive in Catalonia.
Delgado was an anti-fascist who believed that the Spanish Nationalists were traitors.
Certainly, Spanish nationalists have no limits.
They fought for Spanish Republican forces against Franco and the Spanish Nationalists.
The planes were then sold, via shady deals, to the Spanish nationalists in the Spanish Civil War.
For the Spanish nationalists, political dialogue in the Basque country is unacceptable because, as they say, it would mean agreeing with the will of ETA.