I'd get up pretty late mornings and peg away at my Spanish books.
There are a few Spanish books.
A. The main library used to have a whole shelf of Spanish books, but they seemed to notice that the books weren't moving.
I was looking up something in the glossary of my Spanish book in the 12th grade and came across the word "tonto", which meant "stupid".
He would have me read from some of the Spanish books.
No other Spanish book of the 19th century has obtained such instant and universal recognition.
This evidence includes paper from a Spanish book which was employed as a base for several pages of the manuscript (Coe 1998).
This description was also given in a Spanish book printed in 1844.
She also produced accompanying audio lessons for the Spanish and French books, however, few of these were sold.
There were only one- and two-flag signals in the Spanish book.