"Welcome Mr. Marshall," a satirical Spanish comedy made in 1952, is a remarkably cheeky film considering that it was made during the repressive Franco era.
Torrente, Misión en Marbella is a 2001 Spanish dark comedy.
Gracioso is a clown or jester in Spanish comedy of the 16th century.
The 1987 Spanish comedy opens today at the Film Forum.
This folly was adopted by the Spanish comedy, and is imitated by us, with the idea of imparting "action," "business," "vivacity."
Founded by the Hermandad de la Soledad in the seventeenth century, it soon became the premier venue of its time for Spanish comedy.
Antonio Mercero's new Spanish comedy opens today at Cinema 1.
Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley is a 1998 Spanish dark comedy written, directed and starred by Santiago Segura.
Eva Hache (born 7 August 1972) is a Spanish comedy actress and television show hostess, better known for her late night show Noche Hache.
The trial coincided with the presentation of Not on Your Life in the Venice Film Festival, a Spanish black comedy about the death penalty.