Slipping unseen into the large dunes near the Spanish positions, the Moroccans opened fire.
Zapatero defended the Spanish position but conceded his government should have informed the Americans first.
He still resists, holding out long enough until the Cubans launch a major assault on the Spanish positions.
Thereafter, he continued arguing and claiming the Spanish positions with the same emphasis to which he was accustomed.
The Protestant commanders deployed their army to try to break through the Spanish position.
During the time in the bay, both vessels continually fired on the Spanish positions.
After the guns of the two warships smashed Spanish positions ashore, the boats moved in to carry out the operation.
General Young, who was riding a mule, carefully examined the Spanish position in person.
Its main purpose was "to strengthen Spanish international position, turning the country into an armamentistic power".
War looked imminent until the French withdrew their support for the Spanish position, and a compromise was reached.