The Tejas chief heard of the Spanish presence and sent an envoy to meet with them.
The Spanish presence lasted until 1663, when the settlers and military were moved back to the Philippines.
They even provided the U.S. government with information about the Spanish military presence on the island.
If you can use a UK bank with a Spanish presence, life is likely to be easier.
Spanish presence was minor during that empire's second rule over Florida.
Throughout the 1600s, cultural tensions grew between the native populations of the Southwest and the increasing Spanish presence.
The Spanish presence in the United States declined sharply between 1930 and 1940 from a total of 110,000 to 85,000.
Atahualpa, however, refused the Spanish presence in his land by saying he would "be no man's tributary."
The Spanish presence in the American continent for about three centuries has left a mark consistently.
Spanish presence was withdrawn in 1663, providing an opportunity for Kudarat to re consolidate his forces.