Surrounding this love for one's comrades is the love for the Spanish soil.
Rice, cotton, and sugar cane were also first cultivated on Spanish soil by the Moors.
Yusuf had returned briefly to Spanish soil, only to depart again, leaving behind a sizeable force of men.
He was never directly charged with forgery, because the court could not prove that he had ever created any forgeries on Spanish soil.
When Napoleon later refused to leave Spanish soil, the government declared war.
A smaller number volunteered to assist the rebels, likewise out of a conviction that on Spanish soil a wider struggle was being fought out.
Spain currently does not recognize the fence as the valid border, since it claims the fence was built on Spanish soil.
Your precious Spanish soil may not be safe for them.
Spanish law allows the government first right of purchase from the discoverer of all treasures found on Spanish soil.
We are fighting for the integrity of Spanish soil.