Many of them were Spanish subjects or nationales from countries in the Caribbean, Central and South America.
After residing in the island for five years the settlers were granted a "Letter of Naturalization" which made them Spanish subjects.
Goetz arrived in Havana at the beginning of November 1803, having applied for naturalization as a Spanish subject.
After five years, the settlers were granted a "Letter of Naturalization" that made them Spanish subjects.
Author of books on military, scientific, historical and Spanish (including Catalan) subjects.
Thereafter he concentrated on Spanish subjects.
This was the first instance that a colonist called himself a Filipino rather than a Spanish subject.
After five years they could request a "Letter of Naturalization" that would make them Spanish subjects.
For a brief time, Salcedo also allowed former Spanish subjects from Louisiana to come to Texas.
Three decades later, typically Spanish subjects, like flamenco dancers, bull fighters and lace-covered women, became popular.