The area had a number of water channels leading inland to facilitate (illegal, according to the Spanish) trade with the local natives.
The colony was designed to protect Spanish and Portuguese trade from interference by the Dutch base in the south of Taiwan.
Panamanian historians maintain that this attack diverted Spanish trade from the trans-isthmian route.
He dealt with the seizure of ships, enforced the embargo on Spanish trade, and watched for enemy ships.
The Spanish trade was an exact pattern of what they'd taken over from the French.
The boom generated much income and savings, but there were few investment possibilities in trade, due to the persisting Spanish trade embargoes.
Bouchard sailed towards California to exploit the Spanish trade.
Cádiz's golden age was the 18th century, when it enjoyed 75% of Spanish trade with the Americas.
Cantabria was not engaged in Spanish trade at the time of her sinking.
During this time, the city experienced a golden age during which three-quarters of all Spanish trade was with the Americas.