Palladium is part of a new breed of private equity firms on the lookout for investments that can tap into the fast-growing Spanish-speaking market in the United States.
As an example, early sound films were dubbed into one version for the entire Spanish-speaking market.
The U.S. companies are not prepared to work in the Spanish-speaking market.
The military took notice, and the Marines, in particular, began a serious recruiting effort aimed at Spanish-speaking markets, said Lisa Navarrete, vice president of the advocacy group.
The fuel of El Diario's growth is a furious expansion of the Spanish-speaking market.
Villalonga used the event to expand the company beyond Spain into other Spanish-speaking markets.
But for the most part, the agency's campaigns are tailored to the Spanish-speaking market.
The agencies specialize in the Asian-American, Spanish-speaking and African-American markets, respectively.
For legal and administrative purposes Univision and Televisa did very well in Spanish-speaking markets, and the Mexican networks had global hits, too.
It was not long before he opened the door for many other Latin artists, from virtual unknowns to those who had paid their dues on the large international Spanish-speaking market.