Gundhalinu kept a straight face as the perfumed Speaker refused to touch his hand.
However, the Speaker refused television cameras in the House citing parliamentary privilege.
The Republicans also want to end parole for first-time violent felons, which the Speaker has outright refused to do.
The Speaker refused this request, saying that the vote had already been recorded and couldn't be changed.
But discontent could rise again if enough legislators begin to press for compromise with the Governor and the Speaker refuses.
Speakers refused to function, or wouldn't turn off when disconnected.
But the Speaker refused, saying the referendum had nothing to do with budget talks.
After the proposal became public in October, the Speaker refused to comment on it.
The Speaker, true to form, refused to have anything to do with the scheme.
While the Speaker refused to give us this opportunity, he cannot hide from the fact that he still does not have a plan of his own.